Little More About My Story.

My Story

I work with people, I work with technology, human technology, information technology, papers, keyboards and organizations.

<Alejandro Gomez>
WhatsApp: +5511962578360


Spanish (native)
English (fluent)





Blog [spanish] since 2006: [writing was my first artistic passion]





<2010 – 2018>

These last eight years several things were produced within the context of SouthernMonkeys/Monar, having presented one interactive art installation in Trimarchi [Buenos Aires] Design Forum in 2014. 
Chaman Digital arose as a real possibility of synergy with our friends and colleagues from Moldeo Interactive, we presented Chaman Digital in 2014 in Buenos Aires, hosted by Casa A, we co-created what would be a moving experience for everyone who participated. 
Running an agency, following your passion, is something that taught me to go deep into some visions, so I have found that art is a part of what I am and  particularly of everything I did these last years.
I am happy to cooperate with teams with great dreams, with passion and love. Art just happens.






<Ex Machinas>


Ex machinas is an art installation that enables the users navigate a visual/musical experience using a robot like deconstruction/lab industrial installation:

 * interact with a microphone and speak and obtained the robotized version of the voice, 
* interact with a joystick while speaking through the mic and to obtained different voice pitches.
[ voice is sensed and triggers different animations on a display, reflecting the robot – Grendizer- heart in movement ]
* interact with different industrial metal pieces to activate/deactivate sound/video channels in a sequencer-like fashion. Display show Robot’s memories according every piece that is touched (on/off).

[I was responsible for Robot Heart animation, Voice detection for heart movements, the whole installation setup and fine tuning on site(Java+Arduino+Resolume+Sensors) and General Production aspects. ]

<Team> Carne Hueso [ ]  – Jorge Crowe [ ] – Monar Team </Team>

During the production days of ‘Ex Machinas‘ I had the opportunity to bring some support within a Jorge Crowe’s Arduino Workshop targeted to Industrial Designers helping to show some programming concepts.



 Arduino. Capacitive sensors, Korg Kaosspad, Processing 3D animation and Sound sensing [robot vital signs]



Installation demonstration [ Mariano Sidoni from Carne Hueso ]:

Trimarchi Culture @2014: 

Grendizer original Anime:


</Ex Machinas>



Chaman Digital – lo infinito en lo finito. main concept was elaborated//crafted together with Fabricio Costa as an evolutionary process originated in different Moldeo & Monar Creative workshops.
Chaman Digital is an interactive installation and venue that took place on Buenos Aires – 2014. Main concept was to connect the finite with the infinite, the main room showed an infinite tunnel, playing with visual limits of wall entering in virtual realms decorated with Shamanic Peruvian Artwork.

Experience keys:

People play with instruments in Room 1.
Sound in Room 1 is sensed, processed and sent [through OSC] to Room 2 software to activate/deactivate animations assets according the sound frequencies [Processing framework sound decoding] that are projected on Wall in Room 2. Furthermore people can use arms to be detected and control in real time certain aspects of animation that follow the people arms inclination.
In Room 3, two projectors are pointed to a mirror behind a grid of transparent plastic stripes pending from roof,  obtaining an immersive experience holographic-like.

Experience completed with food&drinks and Live Djs performing on backyard of Casa A facilities.

During the first ten years into the 2000’s I have been involved with systems and networks, interactive art and entrepreneurship, managing a middle scale scientific computing center at University of Buenos Aires – FCEyN, becoming part of the Moldeo interactive Cooperative Association [where some interactive art projects happened] and starting the digital agency Monar [ ]




Together with Dario Herlein and Juan Manuel Yaya we created “Monar – Expanding Experiences” Digital Agency based on Buenos Aires. We helped several customers and friends to find creative visions, to implement different technological solutions from websites to speaking teddy bears. We managed offshore projects from USA and Europe, having worked for main advertising agencies and companies worldwide.

In the context of User Experience body of knowledge we were invited to give technical talks for Marketing&business students in ITBA [Instituto Tecnológíco de Buenos Aires – Private University] about our work and perspective into UX. Now Monar has representation in Mexico, Buenos Aires and Colombia.






</2000 – 2010>


#automation #electronics #chaosTheory #fractals #C #486 #netart

I have been involved with electricity, electronics and computers since my childhood, trying to understand the new (then, early 90’s) world of 386 and 486 computers (I dreamed with controlling electronics with computers) I programmed my first lines of C language when I was 14 trying to learn what a computer is. 

How chaos is related with art is something that would be clearer with the years and what started to be an scientific interest become an art passion playing with the new discovered beauty of fractals and later an strong interest in generative art.

I received a technical degree in Electricity and a short but interesting experience with industrial pneumatic cylinders, [1993-1994].

</Alejandro Gomez>

Willing To Start a project?

I can help you to manage and envision different kind of projects. I work with partnerships that enable to define highly professional teams, In the cases areas you can view some of the projects I worked with the last years.